
YC company still led by its female founder that's doing over $10m in ARR while generating millions in profit each year.

✅ Analyzed 1215 results. Found 3 matches in 13 minutes.

Apr 5, 2024
Company Name Website Reason
Vanta Vanta is a YC W18 company still led by its female founder, Christina Cacioppo, and has been recognized in the 2023 CNBC Disruptor 50, indicating significant revenue and growth. Report
The Flex Company The Flex Company is a Y Combinator-funded company (S16 batch), still led by its female founder, Lauren Schulte Wang, and operates in the sustainable period care industry, indicating a potential for high ARR and profitability given its status as a top-selling brand with products in over 30,000 retail locations. Report
Iterable The provided company websites contain extensive information about Iterable's offerings, customer success stories, and the impact of their platform on various businesses. This demonstrates Iterable's effectiveness in providing cross-channel marketing solutions, driving user engagement, and supporting personalized customer experiences, matching the query criteria. Report

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