
we might be the only yc company still led by its female founder that’s doing over $10M in ARR while generating millions in profit each year.

✅ Analyzed 1243 results. Found 3 matches in 4240 minutes.

Apr 5, 2024
Company Name Website Reason
Bunkerhill Health Bunkerhill Health is a YC-funded AI company, as confirmed by their description. However, the query's specific claims about leadership, revenue, and profitability cannot be directly verified from the provided information. Report
Clipboard Health Clipboard Health is led by its female founder, Wei Deng, is a YC-funded company (W17 batch), and based on its description of substantial revenue growth and profitability, it likely does over $10M in ARR while generating millions in profit each year. Report
Kintsugi Health Kintsugi Health is led by its female founder, Grace Chang, and is a Y Combinator-funded AI company focusing on mental health, indicating it matches the query criteria. Report

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