
bipoc founders

✅ Analyzed 479 results. 🛑 Stopped after 20 matches in 2 minutes.

Feb 23, 2024
Company Name Website Reason
LunaJoy The founders of LunaJoy, Dr. Shama Rathi and Dr. Sipra Laddha, are mentioned, indicating that the company has BIPOC founders. Report
BBy The company is co-founded by Vansh Langer MD and Blanca Aguilar Uscanga PhD, indicating BIPOC leadership. Report
Anja Health The founder, Kathryn Cross, started Anja Health after her brother, who was mixed race, couldn't find a stem cell match, indicating she is likely a BIPOC founder. Report
Avocademy Avocademy's student demographic includes 65% BIPOC, indicating a strong representation of BIPOC individuals among its participants. Report
Marathon Education The company is co-founded by Duc, a former education private equity investor, and Tung, a serial tech entrepreneur in Vietnam, indicating that at least one of the founders is of Vietnamese origin, which aligns with the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) criteria. Report
Moni The founders, Femi (CEO) and Dapo (CTO), are likely BIPOC, given the company's focus on Africa and typical naming conventions. Report
SALT One of the founders, Udita Pal, is a woman, which aligns with the BIPOC founders query. Report
ZeusCloud The blog posts mention authors named Vishal Jain and Varun Jain, suggesting they may be the founders. The names suggest they could be BIPOC, matching the query. Report
Convoy Subomi Oluwalana, identified as Co-Founder & CEO in the website content, suggests BIPOC leadership. Report
Seabound Alisha Fredriksson, a co-founder of Seabound, has a background that includes studying at the Mahindra United World College of India and founding a social enterprise called Seema, suggesting she may be from a BIPOC background. Report

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